Nourishing lives at many levels is the cornerstone of a community that cares.
How We Do It
Feeding Fresno
The face of hunger has changed. We distribute food to disadvantaged individuals and families through a network of community partners.
Project Student A.I.D.E.
Provides tools to benefit Title 1 schools in the Fresno area to effectively motivate, challenge, and point students in the right direction. Our goal is to Assist, Inspire Develop, and Empower.
Showers Of Hope
offering hope for those who have none by providing showers and articles of clothing to the homeless, in order to help them take the next steps toward becoming productive members in the community.
Randy's closet
Partners with school districts by providing K-12 students the opportunity to shop for clothing, free of charge, allowing students to focus on their education rather than the basic need for new clothing