Meets: Thursdays with dinner at 5:30 PM and service/classes at 6:45 PM
Location: Conference Center (1525 Fulton Street, Fresno, CA 93721)
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.
Cornerstone’s Celebrate Recovery helps individuals connect to each other, find support and encouragement and grow in Christ as they meet together in Christian fellowship with biblical teaching, testimonies and joyful praise and worship. This ministry helps serve our church and community by providing a safe place where people can come to take off the mask and openly confess their hurts, habits and hang-ups and other life-controlling issues. As they work through the 12 steps and the 8 principles found in the Beatitudes, and humbly trust in the unconditional love of Jesus and His victory, all people will find hope, healing and recovery.